Sunday, September 28, 2014

Copper Trailhead, Gutierrez Ridge, and Cienega Horse Bypass

Day 50 Gutierrez Ridge to Piñon Alto Road

New (for us) singletrack in the Gutierrez Open Space took us to the Piñon Alto Road. We explored a few nicely built spur trails that go to neighborhoods in the Cedar Crest Area. Overall, a spectacular ride.
Scott Forman (a Race Across America finisher this year) in Gutierrez Open Space

Sandy Sanborn on singletrack

Day 49 took me to the Copper Trail head for a night ride. A few night hawks glinted in my lights, no doubt gathering up a great number of night-flying desert insects. The tarantuas were spotted migrating during the day, but I did not see any this night.
Copper Trail Head

Neighborhood Tarantula

Night Ride with ABQ to the west
Day 48 Cienega Horse Bypass to Faulty Trail
Cienega is undergoing tree thinning, which sounds benign, but in the ground it is nothing but. Edward Abbey would not approve of this machine pictured below (and neither do I):
Fossil fuel belching tree destroyer

My totem animal

Faulty trail near Armijo intersection

Loop complete at Sulphur Canyon

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