Thursday, October 02, 2014

Cedro Singletrack and Sabino Open Space

Cedro Singletrack
Of the East Mountain riding areas off "North 14" (aka state road 337), I come here the least, in part because the trail used to be very rough. Its been improved recently. I recommend this trail.
Cedro singletrack takes off from the campground

Singletrack here is nicer than I remembered
Cedro goes to Meadow Ridge Trail and Meadow Singletrack which I rode on a previous day

Sabino Canyon Open Space
The Sabino area is near Cedro:

Super Scenic
You can ride on both sides of the road - two loops

Information on Sabino
 In the past, a trail led from the Open Space up the canyon, probably into private land. Now the public open space is fenced. Since the area is not big, the ride's pretty short. But it is a beautiful place to visit and the trails are excellent despite their brevity.

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