Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hyperbaric Medicine Updates

During our upcoming Marine & Diving Medicine Course, Aug 22-26th, 2006, we will be discussing the latest in hyperbaric oxygen therapy for diving injuries.

If you are a medical provider on a dive trip, you may be called upon to help make a decision about evacuating an diver to a chamber. How will you make that call?

If you are in Cozumel, Mexico, as pictured here, or Honolulu, you are lucky because a hyperbaric chamber and dive physician is nearby. Often, though, a chamber will not be readily available. Kona Hawaii lacks a chamber.

As a medical provider on a diving trip you will be confronted with divers who may minimize or deny their symptoms, captains who have a financial interest in continuing a dive trip, and obstacles to safe evacuation, like unpressurized aircraft.

We will discuss indications for hyperbaric oxygenation in a future post.

Remember, the number for DAN, Divers Alert Network, is 1-919-684-8111. Remember to call local EMS first! A DAN diving physician can offer advise for diving accidents, medical evacuations, and whether hyperbaric oxygen is appropriate.

We strongly recommend DAN travel insurance for participants, a good deal, particularly if you go on several dive trips per year.


Joe Alcock MD

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