Thursday, January 25, 2007

Diving CME

Pictured here is a group photo from our dive CME course last summer. The faculty from that trip, Michael Strauss MD, Cameron Crandall MD PhD, and Darryl Macias MD and Joe Alcock MD will be presenting new topics in Bonaire this spring. You will learn travel medicine topics, as well as unique perspectives on diving physiology and mammalian adaptations to diving. Don't miss this opportunity to gain CME in one of the best dive locations in the world.
Bonaire, May 20-25, 2007

1 comment:

dario said...

Wow, these guys might be onto something here. The Kona course featured simulations, whereas many other courses sit you in the class for powerpoints. These guys also like multimedia, and won't give you esoterica. I think they also relate well to the "broad spectrum" from EMTs to docs, and even an occasional massage therapist! If Bonaire will be anything like the Hawaii courses, I would recommend this course!